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Bank Fires Employee For Supporting Adolf Hitler's Murder Of Jews

Saturday, October 28, 2023-Citibank has fired 25-year-old banker Nozima Husainova for publicly supporting Adolf Hitler's decision to murder millions of Jews.

While reacting to the Gaza hospital bombing on Instagram, Husainova 'smiled' as she voiced her support for murdering Jews.

"No wonder why Hitler wanted to get rid of all of them," she said with a smiling emoji in a now-deleted post.

Citibank has since released a statement saying Husainova's comments were 'revolting' and said hate speech would not be tolerated in their bank.

"We terminated the employment of the person who made the revolting antisemitic comment on social media. We condemn antisemitism and all hate speech and do not tolerate it in our bank." the bank stated.

Husainova's endorsement of the Holocaust invited fierce criticism on social media, with users labeling it as "vile" and an instance of "unbridled antisemitism."

Following news of her firing, StopAntisemitism posted to X: “Thank you Citi for saying NO! to antisemitism,” while other users expressed gratitude that the bank “did the right thing.

The Political Eye


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