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Tips for Making Exercise a Part of Your Routine

Exercise doesn’t have to be hard or demanding. It also doesn't need to be expensive or take up too much of your time.

Try these tips to make it a regular part of your weekly routine:

1. Do fun types of physical activities that you like.

2. Involve friends and family.

3. Keep track of your progress.

4. Find activities you can do even when the weather is bad.

Aim to get in around 150 minutes of exercise a week. That adds up to about 30 minutes a day for 5 days per week.

Spending that little extra time to move your body will give you a wide range of health benefits.

Physical activities like running, swimming, walking, jogging, and dancing are often used synonymously with exercise.

Although not technically exercise, physical activities are an excellent way to enhance health.

No matter your age, gender, or physical activity level, regular exercise can boost your physical and mental health.

The Political Eye

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