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Kalonzo Musyoka Is Still In Raila Odinga’s Azimio And He Will Campaign For Baba-Wiper politician says

Tuesday, May 17,2022-A close confident of former Vice President Kalonzo Musyoka has said the Wiper Democratic Movement party is still in Azimio –One Kenya Alliance since there is no party that can exit the party as per the coalition agreement.

On Monday, Kalonzo said he has left Azimio and announced his presidential bid in August and his running mate as Andrew Sunkuli.

Kalonzo left the coalition after former Prime Minister Raila Odinga nominated Narc Kenya party leader, Martha Karua as his running mate in August.

But commenting on Monday, Kalonzo’s trustee Ben Momanyi said Wiper is still in Azimio since there is no party that can exit the coalition three months to the poll and 3 months after an election.

“The Wiper party is still in Azimio Coalition Party. It cannot withdraw as of now the current situation notwithstanding. Everything will be ironed out amicably. Let's focus on August 9th polls," wrote Momanyi who is eying the Nyamira gubernatorial seat on a Wiper party ticket.

The Political Eye

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